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The smoke gases produced when forging with coal and gas must be reliably captured and led outside. This can only be done with a special smoke extraction system.

A distinction is made here between systems with natural chimney draft or a smoke gas fan (extraction).

In addition to smoke extraction, we also offer suitable centrifugal separators (cyclones) to separate coarse particles from the smoke gases.

Before installing a new system, you should consult with the responsible authority or the district chimney sweep to avoid unforeseen surprises.

Are you not sure what you need or how to implement your project? Simply contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Smoke extractor with hood
Smoke extractor with hood
Smoke hood
Smoke hood
Smoke extractor
Smoke extractor
Smoke cleaning
Smoke cleaning
Smoke pipes
Smoke pipes
Accessories forges
Accessories forges
Spare Parts Smoke Evacuation
Spare Parts Smoke Evacuation
smoke hood type R-1.1
smoke hood type R-1.1 hood for natural chimney for portable forges, fixation on the forge or at wall, width 595 mm, depth 480 mm, height 890 mm, smoke tube connection diameter 180 mm

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smoke hood type R-2.3 ø 250
smoke hood type R-2.3 ø 250 hood for natural chimney for forges with 1 fire, fixation on the forge or at wall, width 700 mm, depth 700 mm, height 1030 mm, smoke tube connection diameter: 250 mm

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Smoke aspiration type A-15.4
Smoke aspiration type A-15.4 hood with electric blower, for forges with 1 fire.

Available in 14 days, delivery time 2-5 days

From €1,895.00*
smoke aspiration type A-30.4
smoke aspiration type A-30.4 hood with electric blower for double-forges fixation on the forges or at the wall width 1650 mm, depth 700 mm, height 1580 mm smoke tube connection diameter: 250 mm air debit 33 m³/min at 160 Pa 3-phase 400 volts, 50 Hz, 0,55 kW 1400 r.p.m., operating noise level 68 dB(A)

Available in 14 days, delivery time 2-5 days

From €2,980.00*
smoke extractor type G-15.4
smoke extractor type G-15.4 for existing smoke hoods for installations with one fire.

Available in 14 days, delivery time 2-5 days

From €1,298.00*
smoke extractor type G-30.4
smoke extractor type G-30.4 for existing smoke hoods for installations with one fire.

Available in 14 days, delivery time 2-5 days

From €2,079.00*
Smoke extractor RH
Smoke extractor RH for top of chimney round model to be mounted on top of the chimney.

Currently not available

From €2,940.00*
Smoke extractor HF
Smoke extractor HF for top of chimney square model to be mounted on top of the chimney.

Available in 21 days, delivery time 1-3 days

From €2,850.00*
Smoke extractor RG
Smoke extractor RG

Available in 21 days, delivery time 1-3 days

From €3,255.00*
Smoke extractor R
Smoke extractor R

Available in 21 days, delivery time 1-3 days

From €5,090.00*
Wall fixation for G-15
Wall fixation for G-15 for smoke extractor G-15, stable angle plates made of stainless steel

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Wall fixation for G-30
Wall fixation for G-30 for smoke extractor G-30 stable angle plates made of stainless steel

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Aspiration flange
Aspiration flange for smoke extractor

Available in 2 days, delivery time 1-3 days

From €51.00*
aspiration flange ø 300 mm
aspiration flange ø 300 mm for smoke extractor G-30

Available in 30 days, delivery time 1-3 days

Product Quantity: Enter the desired amount or use the buttons to increase or decrease the quantity.
aspiration flange ø 250 mm G-30
aspiration flange ø 250 mm G-30 for smoke extractor G-30

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Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 302
Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 302 for 1 fire forge For the deposition of air impurities arising during forging with coal, such as carbon black particles, coal ash, slag and scale. Separation efficiency (average) approx. 230 g per hour, Compact design with smoke hood and external high-performance ventilator, three phase 400 V, 0.55 kW, speed 2800 r.p.m., smoke pipe outlet ø 250 mm   Delivery time for this product is about 6-8 weeks.

Available in 90 days, delivery time 2-5 days

Product Quantity: Enter the desired amount or use the buttons to increase or decrease the quantity.
Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 501-15
Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 501-15 for 1 fire forge for the separation of air contaminants arising from forging with coal, such as soot particles, coal ash, slag and scale. Degree of dust removal approx. 89% (TÜV measurement), Separation performance (average) approx. 230 g/h, for arrangement next to the forge hearth using a floor frame (accessory) or wall mounting (accessory), three phase 400 V, 0.55 kW, speed 2800 r.p.m., outlet ø 250 mm   Delivery time for this product is about 8 weeks.

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floor stand for type Z 501-15
floor stand for type Z 501-15

Available in 30 days, delivery time 2-5 days

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floor stand for type Z 502-30
floor stand for type Z 502-30

Available in 30 days, delivery time 2-5 days

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fixation on the wall 15
fixation on the wall 15 for type Z 501-15

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fixation on the wall 30
fixation on the wall 30 for type Z 502-30

Available in 30 days, delivery time 2-5 days

Product Quantity: Enter the desired amount or use the buttons to increase or decrease the quantity.
Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 502-30
Cyclone-smoke-cleaner type Z 502-30 for 1-3 forge fires for separating air impurities arising during forging with coal, such as carbon black particles, coal ash, slag and scale. Separation efficiency (average) approx. 89 % or 400 g per hour, design with two parallel cyclones (ø 500 mm), extraction ventilator, 3-phase, 1,1 kW, speed 2800 rpm, ventilator outlet diameter 250 mm   Delivery time for this product is about 8 weeks.

Available in 90 days, delivery time 2-5 days

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Particle Separators
Partikelabscheider     Egal ob für den Innenbereich, für doppelwandige Schornsteine im Außenbereich, keramische Systeme oder zur Montage direkt an der Schornsteinmündung – wir haben die Lösung. Dank seiner vielfältigen Einbaumöglichkeiten, der kurzen Abscheidestrecke und seiner Effizienz ist der Airjekt die Lösung zur Feinstaubreduzierung.   Förderfähig über BAFA, mehr Infos unter   Eigenschaften: Abscheidegrad bis zu 90 % möglich geringe Einbaumaße - Abscheidestrecke von ca. 500 mm erwiesene Effizienz problemlose Wartung lässt sich in bereits bestehende Anlagen integrieren niedrige Betriebskosten einfach, schnelle Inbetriebnahme funktioniert automatisch elektrotechnisch nach europäischen Richtlinien geprüft und zugelassen Sicherheitsverschlusssystem max. Abgastemperatur < 400 °C Durchmesser Abgassystem 130–250 mm   Das Funktionsprinzip: Das Prinzip der elektrostatischen Partikelabscheidung basiert auf folgenden Prozessen: 1. Erzeugung von Ladungsträgern 2. Aufladung der Partikel 3. Abscheidung der Partikel durch elektrostatische Kräfte   Um eine Sägezahnelektrode wird ein elektrisches Feld erzeugt, sobald eine elektrische Spannung an die Elektrode angelegt wird. Bei ausreichend hoher Spannung wird die elektrische Feldstärke so hoch, dass es zu einer  Koronaentladung kommt. Dadurch entstehen Ladungsträger, die zur Aufladung der Moleküle im Abgas führen. Beim Zusammentreffen der so gebildeten Gasionen mit den Partikeln im Abgasstrom werden schließlich die Staubpartikel aufgeladen. Aufgrund des elektrischen Feldes werden die geladenen Partikel dann an die Wände des Abgasrohres gedrängt, wo sie nachhaltig abgeschieden werden können.         *Texte und Informationen laut Herstellerangaben

Available in 60 days, delivery time 1-3 days

From €2,350.00*
Parameterization of the frequency converter
Parameterization of the frequency converter Parameter programming according the exhaust fan   When purchasing a fan in combination with a frequency converte the correct programming of the frequency converter is necessary. With the purchase of this item, we parameterize the frequency converter to suit your application.

Available in 30 days, delivery time 1-3 days

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